Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Is flexible learning a new concept or just a fancy new word for an old way of doing?

Having looked into what is available through the University of Canterbury, "Teacher education qualification via the UC Flexible Learning Option." It seems to me "Flexible Learning" is using the same teaching methods one would use in a classroom setting coupled with the latest technology to enable delivery. If presented with care and relevance to the student it can only grow as a market for education.

3 - average - provides examples of online learning and distance learning, mentions correspondence


Bronwyn hegarty said...

for some reason Chef. the link you provided was not working. technology is certainly important and if you refer back to the article by collis and moonen - pedagogy is another factor. In my experience, classroom teachers have to rethink their teaching approaches to suit the learners' needs better.

This often entails the use of technology but not always particularly if there are difficulties in access to the Internet, for example.

If you think about the old correspondence methods of flexible learning - what is lacking for students and teachers?

Carolyn said...

I find it hard to think how I can teach what I teach in class now through online learning. I think my whole course needs to be revamped to incorporate a greater proportion of distance education. I am thinking I will need to use more online quizzes etc to help guide the students learning and keep them engaged. I do think it is difficult to get people to participate and participation is such a big part of learning. How to help the students knowledge grow through the course is a challenge for me. Obviously I can't just throw all of the content at them I need to build the course up around their learning.

Bronwyn hegarty said...

Carolyn you are so right! participation is key but is it social interaction that is important or engagement with the content. If students are reading and learning quietly, practicing their new-found clinical skills on their friends, not threatening clients safety and attending class - what more do we need?

are we just adding to the burden getting them to visibly engage with the content and the course?